Our suppliers play an important role in the service we offer to customers. As a responsible business, we believe in treating all our suppliers fairly, working in partnership with them.

As the UK’s leading technology talent and training organization, we set high standards for the way we operate and conduct our business. We expect our suppliers to comply with and adhere to our Code of Conduct, which sets out the minimum standards and behaviors we require from our suppliers. Our insistence that suppliers comply with this Code of Conduct forms part of our commitment to protect our delegates, learners, employees, contractors, suppliers and the environment.

Consequently, suppliers are also expected to cascade these principles to their own suppliers in order to ensure compliance across QA’s supply chain.

Through these principles we’re committed to being fair and reasonable in our dealings with suppliers, from payments and invoicing through to how we communicate with them.

In the event of any concerns, we always do our utmost to address these quickly and find a solution that works for all parties.

We are committed to reviewing and improving our processes to enable our suppliers to receive payments in accordance with the prompt payment code.

Also see QA's Modern Slavery statement.