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Windows User Mode Exploit Development (EXP-301) is an intermediate course designed for those who want to learn about exploit development skills. For advanced pentesting, consider taking Evasion Techniques and Breaching Defences (PEN-300). For web application security, try Advanced Web Attacks and Exploitation (WEB-300).
Topics covered in EXP-301 include:
- WinDbg tutorial
- Stack buffer overflowsExploiting SEH overflows
- Intro to IDA Pro
- Overcoming space restrictions: Egghunters
- Shellcode from scratch
- Reverse-engineering bugs
- Stack overflows and DEP/ASLR bypass
- Format string specifier attacks
- Custom ROP chains and ROP payload decoders
Included in the course
- 15+ hours of video
- 600+ page course guide
- Active student forums
- Access to virtual lab environment – 90 days
All students should have the following prerequisite skills before starting the course:
- Familiarity with debuggers (ImmunityDBG, OllyDBG)
- Familiarity with basic exploitation concepts on 32-bit
- Familiarity with writing Python 3 code
The following optional skills are recommended:
- Ability to read and understand C code at a basic level
- Ability to read and understand 32-bit Assembly code at a basic level
Windows User Mode Exploit Development (EXP-301) is an intermediate-level exploit development course that serves to build a solid foundation for students wanting to pursue Advanced Windows Exploitation.
- Learn to use WinDbg
- Learn to riting your own shellcode
- Bypassing basic security mitigations, including DEP and ASLR
- Exploiting format string specifiers
- The necessary foundations for finding bugs in binary applications to create custom exploits
You are most likely to benefit if you are a:
- Penetration tester
- Exploit developer
- Security researcher
- Malware analyst
- Software developer working on security products, like antivirus software
What's included
- Exam included
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